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Ayuda Para Inquilinos y Proprietarios

Housing Stability Options for Chelan & Douglas Counties

Wenatchee Valley DRC offers FREE MEDIATION SERVICES to tenants and landlords for any type of housing dispute pre- or post-filing including rent repayment, behavior issues, move-out plans, and more.  DRCs have been providing cost-effective and time-efficient tenant-landlord mediation for decades.  We look forward to working with you to resolve your housing issues.

Program Guide

Opciones de Estabilidad de Vivienda para los Condados de Chelan y Douglas

El Centro de Resolución de las Disputas del Valle de Wenatchee está ofreciendo servicios de mediación gratuitos a propietarios e inquilinos para cualquier tipo de disputa de vivienda antes o después de la presentación, incluyendo el repago de alquiler, problemas de comportamiento, planes de mudanza y más. Los Centros de Resolución de las Disputas han estado proveyendo los servicios rentables y eficiente en términos de tiempo de mediación entre los inquilinos y propietarios por décadas. Esperamos trabajar con usted para resolver sus problemas de vivienda.

Guia del programa

Let’s Work Together -- Trabajemos Juntos

Get in touch so we can start working together.  Contacte nos para que podamos empezar a trabajar juntos.

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509-888-0957 press 1 for tenant-landlord services -- después marque el numero 1 para los servicios de propietarios e inquilinos

Thanks for your interest in tenant-landlord dispute resolution.  Gracias.

Eviction Resolution Pilot Program 

Washington’s Eviction Resolution Pilot Program (ERPP) ended by state statute as of July 1, 2023. Landlords are no longer required to provide tenants with an ERPP Notice and no longer required to give tenants the option to participate in the ERPP before the landlord can file an unlawful detainer (eviction) case in court for rent not paid. 

The ERPP was established by the state legislature as a two-year mandatory pilot operating statewide from November 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023 and brought tenants with rent owed and landlords together with a professionally trained, impartial mediator to help them resolve conflicts regarding rent owed. Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center (WVDRC) directly served more than 3,000 tenants and landlords through the ERPP and more than 95% of tenancies were preserved, where outcomes were known. When mediation/conciliation services were provided, over 75% resulted in a settlement agreement.   

Information for Landlords and Tenants about the End of the ERPP 


You may find helpful information concerning residential evictions for nonpayment of rent on the Washington State Courts’ ERPP website, the Washington Attorney General’s Landlord-Tenant website and Washington Law Help


For landlords: 

If you filed a notice and had an ERPP case open on July 1, 2023, or are a residential landlord with questions about a tenant who owes rent as of July 1, 2023, you may wish to seek legal advice and/or contact the County Clerk or Superior Court serving the county where the tenant resides for guidance. 

If you are a landlord seeking legal advice or representation, these organizations have member attorneys who may be able to assist you: 

Multifamily Housing Association (Supplier Directory

Rental Housing Association of Washington (Vendor Directory

Washington Landlord Association 


For tenants: 

If you are a tenant seeking legal advice or representation, these organizations may be able to assist you:


For Landlords or Tenants: 

If you are unable to obtain a private attorney or do not qualify for free legal services, the Moderate Means program offered through the Washington State Bar Association may be able to help you access legal advice and/or representation. 

Voluntary services for Tenants & Landlords: 

Wenatchee Valley DRC offers voluntary free or affordable mediation services to resolve many types of housing issues outside of court. Voluntary services are different from mandatory processes like the ERPP that are court-ordered or directed by the legislature. 

When participating by choice, you can choose the outcome that works for you, as professionally trained mediators support all participants in working together to brainstorm ideas and evaluate options. 


Contact us for more information on Wenatchee Valley DRC’s housing dispute resolution services.  


Wenatchee Valley Dispute Resolution Center


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(509) 888-0957


Physical Address:

5 S Wenatchee Avenue, Ste 210 
Wenatchee, WA 98801

Mailing Address:

PO Box 3391

Wenatchee, WA  98807

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